To simplify debugging and decrease compile time, set optimization to NOOPTIMIZE or OPTIMIZE(0).
AGGREGATE:Specifies that a layout for arrays and major structures appears in the listing.
ESD: Includes the external symbol dictionary in the listing.
GONUMBER / GOSTMT: Tells the compiler to produce additional information specifying that line numbers from the source routine can be included in runtime messages and in the Language Environment dump.
INTERRUPT: Specifies that users can establish an ATTENTION ON-unit that gains control when an attention interrupt occurs.
LIST:Produces a listing of the assembler expansion of source code and global tables, literal pools, information about working storage, and size of routine’s working storage.
LMESSAGE:Tells the compiler to produce runtime messages in a long form. If the cause of a runtime malfunction is a programmer’s understanding of language semantics, specifying LMESSAGE: could better explain warnings or other information generated by the compiler.
MAP: Tells the compiler to produce tables showing how the variables are mapped in the static internal control section and in the stack frames, thus enabling static internal and automatic variables to be found in the Language Environment dump. If LIST is also specified, the MAP option also produces tables showing constants, control blocks, and INITIAL variable values.
OFFSET: Specifies that the compiler prints a table of statement or line numbers for each procedure with their offset addresses relative to the primary entry point of the procedure.
SOURCE: Specifies that the compiler includes a listing of the source routine in the listing.
STORAGE: Includes a table of the main storage requirements for the object module in the listing.
TERMINAL: Specifies what parts of the compiler listing produced during compilation are directed to the terminal.
TEST: Specifies the level of testing capability that is generated as part of the object code. TEST also controls the location of test hooks and whether or not the symbol table is generated. Because the TEST option increases the size of the object code and can affect performance, limit the number and placement of hooks.
XREF and ATTRIBUTES: Creates a sorted cross-reference listing with attributes.
(Ref: IBM)
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